Cell Biolabs及2025年Cell Biolabs代理介绍-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

Cell Biolabs及2025年Cell Biolabs代理介绍

作者:欣博盛生物科技有限公司 暂无发布时间 (访问量:15343)

美国Cell Biolabs公司致力于开发生命科学研究领域的技术和研究工具。产品覆盖细胞分析、病毒表达系统、氧化应激分析、细胞信号转导、干细胞研究和miRNA分析等领域,以期在细胞功能和疾病机制研究领域达到新高度。Cell Biolabs公司善于将新技术转化为商业用途产品,其产品独-具特色且处于行业前沿水平。


● 细胞分析

● 病毒表达和纯化试剂

● 氧化应激分析

● G蛋白信号转导/小G蛋白
环腺苷酸 (AMP) 分析 、环鸟苷酸 (GMP) 分析、 GRP-PH同源结构域重组蛋白及特色的小G蛋白研究工具。
此外,Cell Biolabs公司还可提供报告基因分析,细胞和试剂、microRNA分析和干细胞研究的相关试剂等。



欣博盛生物科技有限公司成立于2007年,是一家致力于生命科学和生物技术领域的高科技企业。我们与Cell Biolabs公司合作多年,且也是Cell Biolabs授权2025年正牌代理。负责Cell Biolabs公司产品在国内的销售,以及技术解答,并享有Cell Biolabs产品的更好价格和货期。如需购买Cell Biolabs产品,咨询产品技术问题,请联系欣博盛生物。



供应商 产品编号 产品名称 规格 代理商  
cell biolabs AAV-100 293AAV Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AAV-200 ViraDuctin™ AAV  Transduction Kit (10 Transductions) 10 transductions 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AAV-201 ViraDuctin™ AAV  Transduction Kit (50 Transductions) 50 transductions 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AAV-400 pAAV-GFP Control  Vector 10  µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AAV-450 pLenti-AAVR-Puro  Vector 10  µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AD-100 293AD Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-100 β-Galactosidase  Staining Kit 1 kit 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-103 PhosphoBlocker™  Blocking Reagent 1L 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-104 PhosphoBlocker™  Blocking Reagent 4L 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-110 Rapid GST Inclusion  Body Solubilization and Renaturation Kit 1 kit 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-120 GFP Quantitation Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-121 GFP ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-121-5 GFP ELISA Kit 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-122 RFP ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-130 His-Tag Protein ELISA  Kit 96 wells 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-171 Nuclear/Cytosolic  Fractionation Kit 20 preps 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-172 Nuclear/Cytosolic  Fractionation Kit 100 preps 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-190 5X RIPA Buffer with  Protease Inhibitor Cocktail 20mL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-191 5X RIPA Buffer 20mL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-200 293/GFP Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-209 A549/GFP Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-213 HeLa/GFP Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-214 NIH3T3/GFP Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5153 LTA (Lipoteichoic  Acid) ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5182 DNA Coating Solution,  with 96-well Plate 10mL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5183 DNA Coating Solution 100mL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5184 DNA High-Binding  Plates 5 plates 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5185 GST ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5186 Streptavidin ELISA  Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5187 Avidin ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs AKR-5188 DYKDDDDK-Tag Protein  ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs BCT-5173 E. coli O157 ELISA  Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs BCT-5176 Listeria  monocytogenes p60 ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-050 CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (Fibronectin, Colorimetric) 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-051 CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (Fibronectin, Fluorometric) 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-070 CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Colorimetric) 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-070-5 CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Colorimetric) 5 x 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-071 CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Fluorometric) 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-071-5 CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Fluorometric) 5 x 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-080 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Anoikis Assay (Colorimetric/Fluorometric) 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-081 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Anoikis Assay (Colorimetric/Fluorometric) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-100 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Colorimetric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-100-5 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Colorimetric 5 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-100-C CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Colorimetric, Combo Kit 2 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-100-C-5 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Colorimetric, Combo Kit 10 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-100-COL CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), COL-coated, Colorimetric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-100-FN CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), FN-coated, Colorimetric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-101 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-101-5 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric 5 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-101-C CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Fluorometric, Combo Kit 2 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-101-COL CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), COL-coated, Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-101-FN CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), FN-coated, Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-102 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-102-5 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric 5 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-103 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-103-5 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric 5 x 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-104 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-104-5 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-105 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-105-5 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-106 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-106-5 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-106-C CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Fluorometric, Combo Kit 2 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-107 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (12 μm), Colorimetric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-108 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (12 μm), Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-110 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane), Colorimetric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-110-COL CytoSelect™ 24-well  Collagen Cell Invasion, Colorimetric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-111 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Invasion (Basement Membrane), Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-111-COL CytoSelect™ 24-well  Collagen Cell Invasion Assay, Fluorometric 12 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-112 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane), Fluorometric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-112-COL CytoSelect™ 96-well  Collagen Cell Invasion Assay, Fluorometric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-120 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Wound Healing Assay 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-120-5 CytoSelect™ 24-well  Wound Healing Assay 5 x 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-120-T CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Wound Healing Assay, Trial Size 6 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-125 Radius™ 24-Well Cell  Migration Assay 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-125-5 Radius™ 24-Well Cell  Migration Assay 5 x 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-125-COL Radius™ 24-Well Cell  Migration Assay, (Collagen I Coated) 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-126 Radius™ 96-Well Cell  Migration Assay  96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-126-5 Radius™ 96-Well Cell  Migration Assay 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-130 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Transformation Assay 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-130-5 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Transformation Assay 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-135 CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Colorimetric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-135-5 CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Colorimetric 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-140 CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Fluorometric 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-140-5 CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Fluorometric 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-150 CytoSelect™ 96-well  In Vitro Tumor Sensitivity Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-150-5 CytoSelect™ 96-well  In Vitro Tumor Sensitivity Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-160 CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Cell Co-Culture System 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-160-5 CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Cell Co-Culture System 5 x 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-200 Endothelial Tube  Formation Assay (In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay) 50 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-201 Collagen-based Cell  Contraction Assay 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-210 CytoSelect™  Leukocyte-endothelium Adhesion Assay 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-212 CytoSelect™ Leukocyte  Transmigration Assay 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-216 CytoSelect™ Tumor  Transendothelial Migration Assay 24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-220 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Phagocytosis Assay (Red Blood Cell) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-222 CytoSelect™ 96-Well  Phagocytosis Assay (E. coli, Colorimetric Format) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-224 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-224-5 CytoSelect™ 96-well  Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-230 Cellular Senescence  Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining) 50 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-230-5 Cellular Senescence  Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining) 5 x 50 assays  欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-231 96-well Cellular  Senescence Assay (SA β-Gal Activity) 120 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-231-5 96-well Cellular  Senescence Assay (SA β-Gal Activity) 5 x 120 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-232 Quantitative Cellular  Senescence Assay 10 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-232-5 Quantitative Cellular  Senescence Assay 5 x 10 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-240 CytoSelect™ Cell  Viability and Cytotoxicity Assay 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-241 CytoSelect™ LDH  Cytotoxicity Assay Kit  960 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-251 CytoSelect™ BrdU Cell  Proliferation ELISA Kit  96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-252 CytoSelect™ MTT Cell  Proliferation Assay  960 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-253 CytoSelect™ Cell  Proliferation Assay Reagent (Colorimetric) 10 mL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-300 StemTAG™ Alkaline  Phosphatase Staining Kit (Red) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-301 StemTAG™ Alkaline  Phosphatase Activity Assay Kit, Colorimetric 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-306 StemTAG™ Alkaline  Phosphatase Staining Kit (Purple) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-310 MEF Feeder Cells 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-312 MEF Feeder Cells  (Puromycin-resistant) 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-316 SNL Feeder Cells 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-320 CytoSelect™ 96-Well  Hematopoietic Colony Forming Cell Assay (96 assays) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-320-5 CytoSelect™ 96-Well  Hematopoietic Colony Forming Cell Assay (5 x 96 assays) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-5020 CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Cell Contraction Assay Kit (Floating Matrix Model)  24 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-5021 CytoSelect™ 48-Well  Cell Contraction Assay Kit 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-5037 Radius™ 48-Well Cell  Migration Assay 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-5037-5 Radius™ 48-Well Cell  Migration Assay 5 x 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-5116 Autophagy ELISA Kit  (LC3-II Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs CBA-5117 Cellular Autophagy  ELISA Kit (LC3-II Quantitation) 48 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs LTV-100 293LTV Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs LTV-200 ViraDuctin™  Lentivirus Transduction Kit (40 Transductions) 40 transductions 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs LTV-201 ViraDuctin™  Lentivirus Transduction Kit (200 Transductions) 200 transductions 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs LTV-300 GFP Lentivirus  Control 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs LTV-400 pLenti-GFP Lentiviral  Control Vector 100 µL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs LTV-401 pSMPUW-GFP-Puro  Lentiviral Control Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5001 Lactose Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5005 Total Bile Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5007 Cholic Acid ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5008 Chenodeoxycholic Acid  ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5010 Bilirubin Assay Kit 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5011 Lipid Droplet  Isolation Kit 50 preps 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5012 Lactate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5013 Lactate Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5014 NAD+/NADH Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5016 Soluble Collagen  Assay Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5018 NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5019 Total Phosphatidic  Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5022 Glycogen Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5023 Glycogen Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5025 Starch Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5026 Starch Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5027 Homocitrulline/Citrulline  Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5028 DAG (Diacylglycerol)  Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5029 Pyruvate Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5030 NAD+/NADH Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5031 NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5053 Total Thiol Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5054 L-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5055 L-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5056 Branched Chain Amino  Acid Assay Kit 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5068 Folic Acid ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5068-5 Folic Acid ELISA Kit 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5070 Glycine Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5071 Taurine Assay Kit 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5073 Tyrosine Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5080 Glutamate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5081 Glucose-6-Phosphate  Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) Activity Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5082 Beta-Hydroxybutyrate  (Ketone Body) Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5083 Beta-Hydroxybutyrate  (Ketone Body) Assay Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5085 Phospholipid Assay  Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5086 Ammonia Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5090 Adenosine Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5092 Inosine Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5093 Alanine Assay Kit 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5095 Beta Hexosaminidase  Activity Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5097 N6-Methyladenosine  (m6A) ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5099 1-Methyladenosine  (m1A) ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5099-5 1-Methyladenosine  (m1A) ELISA Kit 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5119 Malate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5120 Malate Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5121 Calcium Assay  Kit  250 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5122 Indole Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5123 Alanine  Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5124 Alanine  Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5125 Pyruvate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5127 Aspartate  Aminotransferase (AST) Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5129 Lysine Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5130 Lysine Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5131 α-Ketoglutarate Assay  Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5132 α-Ketoglutarate Assay  Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5133 Formate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5135 Gentamicin  Competitive ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5136 D-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5137 D-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5138 Zinc Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5144 Kanamycin Competitive  ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5147 Guanine Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5148 Guanine Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5149 Guanosine Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5150 Xanthine/Hypoxanthine  Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5151 S-Adenosylhomocysteine  (SAH) ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5151-C S-Adenosylmethionine  (SAM) and S-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ELISA Combo Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5152 S-Adenosylmethionine  (SAM) ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5156 Total Sialic Acid  Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5157 Total Sialic Acid  Assay Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5158 Methionine Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5159 Pyrophosphate Assay  Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5160 Adenosine  Monophosphate Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5162 Phosphoenolpyruvate  Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5163 ATP Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5164 ADP Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5165 Glutamine Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5166 Glutamine Assay Kit  (Colorimetric) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5167 2-Phosphoglycerate  Assay Kit  100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5177 Tryptophan Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5180 Urea Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5181 Ammonia Assay Kit  (Fluorometric) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5194 Histidine Assay  Kit  100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5195 Phenylalanine Assay  Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs MET-5196 Proline Assay  Kit  100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs PRB-5079 Cas9 (CRISPR  Associated Protein 9) ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-001-PURO pBABE-Puro Retroviral  Vector 10 μg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-010 pMXs Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-011 pMXs-Neo Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-012 pMXs-Puro Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-013 pMXs-IRES-GFP  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-014 pMXs-IRES-Puro  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-015 pMXs-IRES-Neo  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-016 pMXs-IRES-Bsd  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-017 pMXs-miRNA-GFP/Puro  Retroviral Expression Vector 10 μg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-020 pMYs Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-021 pMYs-IRES-GFP  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-022 pMYs-IRES-Puro  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-023 pMYs-IRES-Neo  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-024 pMYs-Puro Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-030 pMZs Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-040 pMCs-IRES-GFP  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-041 pMCs-Puro Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-050 pMX-GFP Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-051 pMCs-GFP Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-052 pMYs-GFP Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-053 pMXs-GFP/Puro  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-060 pMXs-EF1-Puro  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-061 pMXs-EF1-GFP  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-062 pMXs-EF1-Bsd  Retroviral Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-063 pMXs-EF1α Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-064 pMXs-CAG Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-065 pMXs-CMV Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-066 pMXs-SRα Retroviral  Vector 10 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RTV-5106 pMXs-Cas9-Puro  Retroviral Vector 100 µL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-100 293RTV Cell Line 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-101 Platinum-E Retroviral  Packaging Cell Line, Ecotropic 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-102 Platinum-A Retroviral  Packaging Cell Line, Amphotropic 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-103 Platinum-GP  Retroviral Packaging Cell Line, Pantropic 1 vial 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-110 pCMV-VSV-G Retroviral  Vector 10 μg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-111 pCMV-Gag-Pol  Retroviral Vector 10 μg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-112 pCMV-Eco Envelope  Vector 100 µL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-113 pCMV-Ampho Envelope  Vector 100 µL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-114 pCMV-10A1 Envelope  Vector 100 µL 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-200 ViraDuctin™  Retrovirus Transduction Kit (40 Transductions) 40 transductions 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs RV-201 ViraDuctin™  Retrovirus Transduction Kit (200 Transductions) 200 transductions 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-011 Mouse  Anti-Methylglyoxal Monoclonal Antibody 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-035 Rabbit  Anti-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) Polyclonal Antibody 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-078 Rabbit  Anti-Carbamyl-Lysine (CBL) Polyclonal Antibody  50 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-201 Recombinant EGFP 100 μg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-201-5 Recombinant EGFP 5 x 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-212 Malondialdehyde (MDA)  Modified Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-214 Copper (Cu++)  Oxidized Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-301 OxiSelect™ BPDE  Protein Adduct ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-302 CEL-BSA Control 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-305 OxiSelect™  Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit (1 plate) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-305-5 OxiSelect™  Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit (5 plates) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-307 OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl Fluorometric Assay 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-308 OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl Immunoblot Kit 10 blots 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-309 Oxidized Protein  Immunoblot Control (Carbonyl-BSA) 10 μg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-310 OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl ELISA Kit (1 plate) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-310-5 OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl ELISA Kit (5 plates) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-312 OxiSelect™ Total  Glutathione (GSSG/GSH) Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-318 OxiSelect™ AOPP Assay  Kit (200 assays) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-320 OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-320-5 OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-320-T OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation), Trial Size 32 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-321 OxiSelect™ DNA  Double-Strand Break (DSB) Staining Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-321-T OxiSelect™ DNA Double  Strand Break (DSB) Staining Kit, Trial Size  20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-322 OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-322-5 OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-322-C OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Combo Kit (CPD / 6-4PP Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-323 OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-323-5 OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-324 OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage Quantitation Kit (AP sites) 50 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-325 OxiSelect™ Oxidative  RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation) (96 tests) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-325-5 OxiSelect™ Oxidative  RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation) (5x96 tests) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-326 OxiSelect™ Cellular  UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-326-5 OxiSelect™ Cellular  UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-327 OxiSelect™ Cellular  UV-Induced DNA Damage Staining Kit (CPD) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-330 OxiSelect™ TBARS  Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation) 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-330-5 OxiSelect™ TBARS  Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation) 5 x 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-333 MDA-BSA Control 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-335 HNE-BSA Control 100 µg 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-337 OxiSelect™  8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-337-5 OxiSelect™  8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ELISA Kit 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-339 OxiSelect™ Catalase  Activity Assay Kit, Fluorometric 500 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-340 OxiSelect™ Superoxide  Dismutase Activity Assay Kit 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-341 OxiSelect™ Catalase  Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-342 OxiSelect™  Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-342-5 OxiSelect™  Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-342-T OxiSelect™  Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence), Trial Size 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-344 OxiSelect™ Hydrogen  Peroxide / Peroxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric) 500 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-345 OxiSelect™ ORAC  Activity Assay Kit 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-345-5 OxiSelect™ ORAC  Activity Assay Kit 5 x 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-346 OxiSelect™ HORAC  Activity Assay Kit 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-346-5 OxiSelect™ HORAC  Activity Assay Kit 5 x 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-347 OxiSelect™ In Vitro  ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-347-5 OxiSelect™ In Vitro  ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-347-T
   OxiSelect™ In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence), Trial Size
20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-349 OxiSelect™ Cellular  Antioxidant Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-350 OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (3-Well Slides) 15 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-351 OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (3-Well Slides) 75 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-351-5 OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (3-Well Slides) 5 x 75 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-352 OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Slides (3-Well) 5 slides 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-353 OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Slides (3-Well) 25 slides 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-353-5 OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Slides (3-Well) 5 x 25 slides 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-355 OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-355-5 OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Kit 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-356 OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Slide 1 slide 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-356-5 OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Slide 5 slides 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-357 OxiSelect™ BPDE DNA  Adduct ELISA Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-360 OxiSelect™ Total  Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) Assay Kit 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-369 OxiSelect™ Human  Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (MDA-LDL Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-375 Uric Acid/Uricase  Assay Kit  400 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-378 Urinary Creatinine  Assay Kit 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-380 Global DNA  Methylation ELISA Kit (5’-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-380-5 Global DNA  Methylation ELISA Kit (5’-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine Quantitation) 5 x 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-382 Urea Assay Kit 200 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-383 Human Albumin ELISA  Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-384 Total Cholesterol  Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-388 OxiSelect™ Human  Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (CML-LDL Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-389 OxiSelect™ Human  Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (HNE-LDL Quantitation) 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-390 Total Cholesterol  Assay Kit 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-391 HDL and LDL/VLDL  Cholesterol Assay Kit 192 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-394 HDL-Cholesterol Assay  Kit 96 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-396 Serum Triglyceride  Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-397 Serum Triglyceride  Quantification Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-398 Free Glycerol Assay  Kit (Colorimetric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-399 Free Glycerol Assay  Kit (Fluorometric) 100 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-400 Pan-Ras Activation  Assay 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-401-1 Rac1 Activation Assay 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-401-2 Rac2 Activation Assay 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-402 Cdc42 Activation  Assay 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-403-A RhoA Activation Assay 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-404 Rac1/Cdc42 Activation  Assay Combo Kit 2 x 20 assays 欣博盛生物
cell biolabs STA-405 RhoA/Rac1/CDC42  Activation Assay Combo Kit 3 x 10 assays 欣博盛生物
欣博盛生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 深圳福田区梅华路105号多丽工业区科技楼605

联系人: Miss Yao

电 话: 0755-26755892(深圳) 010-88594029(北京) 021-34613729(上海) 020-87615159 (广州)

传 真: 0755-26755877

